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What Is a Dental Capsule and When Do You Need Them?

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Dental capsules, also known as prosthetic crowns, are a conservative way to preserve weakened teeth from damage or other pathologies. The so-called Encapsulation Procedure is used to apply tooth capsules made from ceramic.

According to the Invisalign dentistry Specialists, In dental technical jargon, the dental capsule is one of the most commonly used solutions for protecting and restoring a damaged or treated tooth. The capsule is placed on a damaged tooth.

Its widespread diffusion and importance over the years have made it a center of many important innovations. It is almost impossible to distinguish between a capsule and a real tooth today. Also, The materials and the encapsulation methods have both improved tremendously.


Definition, types, and uses of a dental capsule

It can be stated that in very simple terms, and with an eye to the essential definition, The dental capsule is an artificial crown. Also, The natural crown is only the visible portion of the tooth.

The capsule may be made from different materials depending on its type.

  • Ceramic metal: The visible shell is made of ceramic and is internally supported by a core of metal.
  • Composite-metal: The core is always made from metal, and the exterior part is made of composite as an alternative to ceramic.
  • Ceramic is a non-metallic material that can be used to make ceramic. Also, This makes it more aesthetic and allows it to marry with a non-metallic approach.


What’s a dental crown?

Encapsulation is the use of the dental capsule. This is part of a Conservative Dentistry approach, which is a way to improve and preserve what is already there (natural teeth even if they have been treated). Also, Only in extreme cases will you need to resort to extraction or implantation.

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What happens to the tooth after encapsulation

It is very simple to insert a capsule (encapsulation), to protect a damaged tooth. It is possible to do it in more than one session. This is because the dentist will need to allow the technician enough time to make the capsule.

These are the main steps of the operation:

  • The crown is taken out of the tooth to make room for the prosthesis.
  • To understand the size and shape of the capsule, acquire the mouth mold using a dental impression.
  • Insertion of a temporary capsule
  • The new capsule is created and tested directly inside the patient’s mouth.
  • Cementation This is the final stage, which can be used if the previous test was successful.


Maintenance and durability of the encapsulated tooth

How long can a dental capsule last? It all depends on how well the tooth is taken care of. The prosthetic horn must be treated just like a normal tooth. Also, If you are in Canada you may want to know about the best services for dental implants in London Ontario.

Oral hygiene is essential: Brush your teeth daily, floss every day, and have regular professional cleaning sessions with a hygienist.

The capsule is less flexible than natural teeth and therefore more susceptible to trauma. It is better to be cautious when chewing hard food.

Also, you can find more related and useful articles here. And give your thoughts about this information in the comment section.


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