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How to Create Attractive Subject Lines in Your Email Marketing

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Everything counts in email marketing campaigns. It includes the structure, design, frequency, and most importantly, the subject. The subject is without a doubt the most important text of your mailing campaign , you will ask yourself why?

This is because they are the first words your contacts see about the content of the information you send and as they say… the first impression is what counts!

Although you may have very good content and design, it won’t be of much use if there’s no opening click.

Keep it concise, direct, simple and to the point. Include the keywords at the end so your contacts can see the most important information, especially those who access emails via mobile devices. Your Digital Specialist can help you creating more and better Email Subject lines.


The funny

You have succeeded if you make your reader smile while reading your subject. Humor can be a difficult concept to grasp, but it can be very effective in Email Marketing.

  • Get out your pencil and paper, and get brainstorm with your team. We have some examples to help you get inspired.
  • This email does not contain offers!


The Curious

To arouse curiosity and encourage readers to open your email, it is a good idea to create suspense or sow doubt. The user will feel that she must know more, or that something is missing.

Here are some good examples:

  • 10 Things You Should Know About Summer
  • Surprise gift for you!


The Urgent

It is a great strategy to increase urgency among your contacts and make them realize that they are missing an important. To users who abandon abandoned carts, you can send an email with the subject, which is the last stock of x service/product.

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You could also look at:

  • Last week’s sales!
  • Today, 40% off
  • Limited time…


The one that warns or fears

Instilling fear through warning can be another effective way to increase your email’s opening rate. It’s even more fun when you add curiosity!

This would be an example:

  • 10 errors in mailing campaigns


The one who can identify with your audience

Segmentation can be a key factor in personalizing campaign shipments. It allows you to get to understand your subscribers better, identify and track their special dates (birthdays or anniversaries), as well as their lifestyles.

Use this information to your advantage and you’ll be able to show your closeness.


The one that includes figures or lists

Your subject line should include numbers. This makes it more concrete and believable. Subscribers feel the need to click. You can achieve this by using statistical figures or lists.

Let’s take a look at some examples.

  • 8 of 10 women love this type of flower
  • 80% cats sleep the majority of the day



In all cases, remember to use creativity. If necessary, work closely with your Marketing team to determine the best topic for each campaign. Two heads are better than one.

It can include emoticons that are related to the brand, exclamation points, and questions… and even forget that you can combine these concepts. That is, a topic could be entertaining and also include lists or figures.

You can find more related and interesting articles here.

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